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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

download Lord Of the rings full

Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King | Genre: Action | {270MB}

The Lord of the Rings, The Return of  the King video  game will once again put  the  fate of  Middle - earth in the hands of the gamer . In the final installment of the blockbuster movie trilogy, players must destroy the One
 Ring by casting  it into the Crack of Doom , freeing Middle-earth from the clutches of the Dark Lord Sauron.Based  on  the  environments from the upcoming movie , The Return  of  the King ' s third person gameplay will include immersive action and adventure elements set in rich , interactive levels . 

An all - new multiplayer co-op mode will let players form  their own Fellowship before embarking on their journey through Middle-earth. Eight playable and secret characters including Gandalf , Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli , Sam , and Frodo with exclusive voice - over provided by the actual  actors from the films.
 An all-new co-op multiplayer mode will allow players to team up with a Companion. Over twelve interactive environments authentically reproduced from the Films. Explore the Paths of the Dead, defend Minas Tirith, and battle Sauronís forces at the Pelennor Fields before final  confrontations at the Black Gate and the Crack of Doom. Enhanced control with the right analog stick allows  players to perform multi-directional attacks and combos with ease as they battle their way through the forces of evil. Battle vicious boss monsters including Shelob , the Witch King, and the final showdown with the Dark Lord Sauron. Seamless movie-to-game transitions and never-before-seen exclusive movie 


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